Sunday, November 15, 2009

I ws just thinking, it's not been a good year for the child abusers.

Michael Jackson died. Or, his zombie corpse finally rejected the artificial animation to which it had been submitted years ago. He always claimed that he had had no cosmetic surgery. I'm beginning to believe that he may have been telling the truth. Ever see a picture of an ancient Egyptian mummy? I'm just saying, the dude looked like he had been dead and decaying for years, by the time he "died". Maybe the Thriller video was actually a confession/clue, like all of those clues that McCartney had died back in the sixties.

Roman Polanski was finally captured, after years hiding out in the obscurity of deluxe hotels and awards banquets. Seriously, how hard would it have been to get the stupid little prick back? I mean, sure, the French love Jerry Lewis...but even the frog-eaters have to see something wrong with drugging, then anally raping, a 13 year old girl.

Richard Heene's kid tattled on him about the whole balloon thing. And, beyond the fact that he's whoring his kids out on the teevee in order to get his own smug face on the screen, just check out the Cost Cutter's "Child Molester" mop-cut he wears on top of his melon. Really, it would be hard to feel sorry for him, even if he hadn't put his family through two (!!!!!) seasons of being on Wife Swap. But he did. So, screw him.

Can't say I feel sorry for any one of 'em, really.


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